What are cookies?

A cookie is a small text file that is placed in the browser of your computer or mobile device by a website's server when you consult the website. The cookie contains a unique code that allows your browser to be recognised during your visit to the website (a so-called 'session' cookie) or on subsequent, repeated visits (a so-called 'permanent' cookie). Cookies can be placed by the server of the website you visit or by partners with which this website cooperates. A website's server can only read the cookies it has placed itself; it has no access to other information located on your computer or mobile device. Cookies are stored on your computer or mobile device in your browser's folder. The content of a cookie usually consists of the name of the server that placed the cookie, an expiry date and a unique number code.

Cookies generally make interaction between the visitor and the website easier and faster and help the visitor to navigate between different parts of a website. Cookies can also be used to make a website's content or advertising on a website more relevant to the visitor and customised to their personal tastes and needs.

Use of cookies on the BGSMG website

We use different types of cookies on the website.

1/ Strictly necessary cookies

These cookies are essential for visiting our websites and using certain parts of them.

For example, these cookies allow you to navigate between different parts of the websites, to fill in forms. If you reject these cookies, certain parts of the website may not work optimally.

2/ Preference cookies

Preference cookies are the cookies that make the functioning of our websites easier and more pleasant for the visitor and ensure that you get a more personalised browsing experience. For example, they are cookies that register your language preference, the cookie that keeps track of whether you have already been asked to participate in a survey so that we do not present you with the same survey over and over again, or a cookie that offers you a personalised layout following a previous visit.

If his device or his browser allows it, the user can decide to activate the geo-localisation function to perform searches in the vicinity of his GPS location. In this case, the user allows such geo-location to be carried out for the sole purpose of providing him with this service. Once the user has given his consent, it remains valid for any future connection of the customer to the service until the user withdraws this consent.

3/ Analysis cookies

We use performance cookies to collect information about the use visitors make of our website with a view to improving the content of our website, adapting it more to visitors' needs and making it more user-friendly. For example, there is a cookie that helps us count the number of unique visitors and a cookie that tracks which pages are the most popular.

4/ Tracking cookies

These cookies are set to determine whether someone is a returning visitor.

5/ External cookies

Some cookies are set by third parties with BGG's consent for the purpose of bringing certain products and services to your attention or giving you direct access to social media:

  • Google (Tag Manager, Analytics, doubleclick)
  • Youtube

For the cookies placed by these third parties, the information they collect thereby and the purpose for which that information is used, we refer to the privacy statements of these parties on their own websites. These statements may change regularly and BGG has no control over them.

Used cookies




Retention time


Strictly necessary

Stores the visitor's cookie preference.

1 year


Strictly necessary

Supports website performance improvements.

1 month


Strictly necessary

Supports website performance improvements.

2 hours


Strictly necessary

Supports website performance improvements.

Session cookie


Strictly necessary

Identification of logged-in users.

1 month


Strictly necessary

Identification of logged-in users.

1 month



Identification of returning users.

1 year



Google Analytics

2 years



Google Analtyics

2 years



Google Analytics

2 years


Management of cookies

Through your browser settings, you can refuse the installation of cookies. You can also delete cookies already installed from your computer or mobile end device at any time.