The documents below are accessible to everyone

BGSMG statutes
  Renewed articles of association (according to non-profit organisation legislation)

Info session ATG PALEN presentations
  The presentations
  Extra: IP2022002N.pdf (

 Calculation method De Beer:
 Reference calculations
 Original publications

 Guideline Pumping (KVIV WG Pumping)
 Directive on pumping to protect the environment (VMM)

 Manual shoring + info sheets (BGSMG, ABEF, WTCB)
 Guidelines for design of shoring according to NBN EN 1997-1 ANB 2022 (BGSMG, WTCB)

 Soil Mix:
 SBRCURnet-WTCB Manual Soilmix Walls
 SBRCURnet-BBRI Handbook Soilmix walls

 Jet Grouting:
 Jet Grouting: State of the art (Maertens, J., De Vleeschauwer, P., Langhorst, O.)

 Standaardprocedures Geotechnisch onderzoek (BGSMG TF2):
 General provisions
 CPT.  Part 1: Planning, implementation and reporting
 CPT.  Part 2: Geotechnical design advice

Invited “ETC 3 – Piles” Lecture, ECSMGE Reykjavik 2019:
  “Recent advances in pile design, construction, monitoring and testing”(Maurice Bottiau & Noel Huybrechts)

Proceedings of the workshop “Damage to foundations on clay soils”(Dutch session - 11.02.2020, Huis van de Bouw, Zwijnaarde)
Proceedings of the workshop “Sécheresse et argiles” (French session - 07.03.2023, Moulins de Beez, Namur)

Keynote Lecture, DFI 2021 Middle East Conference

Presentation Maurice Bottiau 'Recent advances in the understanding of Augercast piles and Displacement Augercast piles and impact on their design'